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How to Avoid the 5 Most Common Causes of Car Accidents?

When you know what not to do it makes you a safer driver. It is easy to get distracted when driving but our best shot is to stay alert.
1.When turning, pay extreme attention to the road, traffic signs and vehicles around you to avoid a side impact accident.
2. When there is water or ice on the road be mindful to go slower than usual to avoid hydroplaning.
3. When you are backing out in the parking lot make sure to look around to check for other vehicles that might be nearby or in your blind zone.
4. Avoiding getting distracted by texting or talking on the phone while driving can lessen the chance of hitting the rear end of the vehicle in front of you. Stay focused.
5.When traveling remember to keep your eyes on the road and use high beams at night whenever possible especially when there are posted caution signs to avoid hitting an animal. They often result in serious injuries.
If you have had a similar accident contact Alex Martinez Law Firm right away to get the support you need. We fight to make things right and to get maximum compensation for the damages you suffered. We specialize in fighting the hard cases that other attorneys are not ready to handle. Call us now for your free consultation at 956-540-2255.
If you have been injured or have been in a car accident, you may be eligible for compensation regardless of your legal status (even as an undocumented immigrant).
Alex Martinez Law Firm only gets paid if you do. If the case is lost you do not have to pay us. If the case is won the attorney’s fees will be paid from the results.
The Law Office of Alex Martinez can help by:
- Helping you get the medical care you need at no cost to you
- Cutting through the red tape and filing all available insurance claims
Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment today with the legal team at Alex Martinez Law Firm to get the help you need.
Alex Martinez Law Firm takes pride in defending its client’s legal rights. We fight to make things right and to get maximum compensation for the damages you suffered. We specialize in fighting the hard cases that other attorneys are not ready to handle. Call us now for your free consultation at 956-540-2255.
To schedule an appointment Contact Us.
For faster service, please call our office at 956-540-2255.
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